I never thought I'd see this but many on the left, liberals, and anti Trumpers (which I'll refer to as "the left" for convenience) are calling false flag, or fake, on the assassination attempt. Many of them are saying it was a staged event by Trump and company. The reason why this surprises me is that it goes against the ENTIRE mainstream media narrative, which is that it was NOT staged, and normally the left doesn't do that.
So if the left is saying it's fake and the news is saying it's real - does that mean that the left is now crying "FAKE NEWS!"?
Here's the controversial part: It WAS faked by what some would call the "white hats" or "patriots" - a collective of non partisan military and elites who are anti-globalist and anti deep state. I won't get in to the evidence proving it was faked - that's a whole other thread, but I will say that there is a ton of evidence, and a lot of it is actually obvious, which is another way of saying the white hats did a poor job of faking it, which was intentional.
Why? Several reasons, but one was to expose the false flags that the deep state/globalists have pushed on us in the past, such as 911, Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor to some degree, the "lone gunman" and "single bullet theory" in the JFK assassinations, the fake mass shootings, etc. To achieve this, the white hats used the same playbook and mechanisms in the assassination event, and made them OBVIOUS.
This was mainly to ensure the mainstream media would support the false narrative that the incident was real...
The reason the media HAD to support the fake event is because if they didn't, they'd have to open the Pandora's box of fake or dirty agents and fake or dirty law enforcement, stage-craft, manipulated camera angles and fake injuries, fake gunshots (sound only), fake or patsy shooters, impossible ballistics/angles, etc. It would call into question every fake mass shooting, the Kennedy assassinations, etc. that used these same mechanisms.
So now we have the mainstream media saying this was a real assassination attempt and even actively "fact checking", or correcting, anyone who says it wasn't.
Now let's bring this back around to the leftists: They actually have solid evidence that the event was faked, but when they go to prove it they'll have to go against the ENTIRE MAINSTREAM MEDIA and the mainstream establishment. (Although the mainstream establishment is about to be very divided <more on that later...>).
Sound familiar?
Isn't that what happens to anyone who says the 2020 election was stolen, or that J6 was staged, or that the official narrative of 911 is impossible and there was a coverup, or that the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag event, etc.?
So, all the people who previously criticized those who questioned official narratives - using smear words such as "conspiracy theorists" or nutjobs, or "qwacks" - are now in the same position as those that they ridiculed, because that's what happens when you go against the official narrative.
Furthermore, they're going to see the gun control agenda get pushed, based on a fake event...
I suspect we're going to see a deep divide within entertainment, sports organizations, celebrities, talk shows, and maybe even some news outlets may start squabbling with each other over whether the event was real or not. The thin veneer of credibility on the mainstream establishment is about to crumble.
Now keep in mind that if this event was fake, then the death and injuries are likely fake as well. The deep state and CIA have been faking deaths for decades. It's a thing. Basically they generate a fake identity or use one from the CIA database, use photos of someone who's already dead or disappeared, and then get actors or agents to play their family. Eye witnesses who "saw" the person get shot could be actors, CIA/FBI agents, etc. It's too early to tell with this particular event if anyone was actually killed or injured, but this is something to keep in mind...
Now let's talk about the effect on Trump and the election. Support for Trump, post assassination attempt, has skyrocketed. It has converted many on the left, resulting in die hard Trump haters being smaller in numbers. Those in the middle are probably now Trump supporters. And look how the Overton Window just changed to it being OK to openly and publicly endorse Trump. This is going to make for what most on both sides of the fence agree on to be a landslide victory for Trump.
A VISIBLE and undeniable victory for Trump. So now what happens when the deep state cheats again November? They must cheat, because Trump is an existential threat. If Trump loses due to cheating, can the military then step in and rectify things?
In summary, this is what 5th Generation Warfare looks like. Yes, it's tragic that we're being lied to and that the good guys would do this to us, but I see it as the lesser of two evils. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and war is dirty. But if this was the only option to expose the corruption within the media, Secret Service, government, and all the other organizations in our country's infrastructure, without causing mass chaos, economic crash and civil war, then so be it.
Very interesting take. Almost immediately after it happened, one of my first thoughts was "how is the MSM, so devoted to propagating the idea that surface stories are all that's true and that skepticism is a conspiracy theory, going to handle this obvious fake?" However, I'm not sure I believe there is any real fissure to speak of at the high table, so I doubt your theory about white hats here. I believe in the united narrative engine. Sometimes it drives new developments. Sometimes it gets out in front of organic ones. The goal is to always be in the lead. A right wing tilt for a little while might not be their druthers, but as long as they have the pen, they can keep writing our story. I don't know the play here, but whatever it is, you can safely bet perpetuation of power is the objective. I said it in 2016, and I think it even more now. If you think a NYC real estate mogul is going to lead a populist revolution, then I have a vaccine to sell you.